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Available Voucher Programs

Equine Voucher Program Via FERA

(Polk County NC)


You may be surprised to know that each year in the U.S., over 150,000 horses are sent to slaughter in Mexico and Canada, enduring horrific conditions on their way to a cruel end. Many don’t survive the trip. Sometimes, horses end up in this slaughter pipeline because owners can’t afford to help their horses. To begin to assist with these situations in our region, Foothills Equine Rescue Assistance (FERA) has launched a pilot program that provides vouchers for humane equine euthanasia and gelding. Working with a small group of veterinarians and Animal Control officers in Polk County, vouchers will be provided to horse owners on a case-by-case basis (with vet or Animal Control approval) to provide some financial help for these procedures. 

Click HERE for more info.



Euthanasia Voucher Grant Via The North Carolina Horse Council


The NCHC Euthanasia Program was established to ensure that aged, injured, or unwanted North Carolina horses whose owners could not otherwise afford the service, may be euthanized regardless of their caretakers’ financial situation.


Advance approval for the service is not necessary. In the event that a client needs a horse euthanized but cannot afford the service veterinarians may humanely end the equines life with confidence that the North Carolina Horse Council will reimburse the servicing veterinarian up to $50 per animal (maximum $150 per household).


Click on the graphic to download an Euthanasia Voucher Grant application.

OR Download document by clicking HERE.

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